Mac Time Machine: How and why to make a disk backup

It seems incredible, yet a huge number of users still did not understand the importance of backup, only to find out when it is too late. Here’s how and why you need to start using Time Machine right away, the most common mistakes to avoid, and some tips to never lose your data. Time Machine is the backup mechanism of Apple,...

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3 Good Habits to Ensure Maximum Security for Your PC

May 18, 16 3 Good Habits to Ensure Maximum Security for Your PC

Posted by in Personal Computing, Security

When it comes to computer security, you should not let laziness or impatience get in the way to be able to ensure your data is protected. Here are 3 good PC security habits you should develop and then practice regularly: Lock your PC always when not in use. This is one habit that almost all users are aware of, but only a few...

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4 Best Practices to Reduce Cloud Computing Security Risks

Jan 27, 16 4 Best Practices to Reduce Cloud Computing Security Risks

Posted by in Security, Personal Computing

In 2014, cloud computing has already become a $150 billion industry and continues to flourish. Aside from letting users access data from almost anywhere with internet connection, it has reduced the costs of having to create a data center and having an IT team manage it. However, there is also the security issue that bothers business...

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Mobile Apps: Permissions, Privacy and Protection

Jul 22, 15 Mobile Apps: Permissions, Privacy and Protection

Posted by in Gadgets, Security, Software

The number of mobile app users will double in a year’s time, and with it comes the issue of privacy and protection. Apps always require users to give certain “permissions” for tapping personal information. More often than not, users would unmindfully hit the YES button without taking the time to read and understand...

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Workspace as a service grows | Cloud security more important than ever

Feb 18, 15 Workspace as a service grows | Cloud security more important than ever

Posted by in Business, Security, News, Enterprise

According to Forrester, 77% of executives with decision-making in IT this year will implement some kind of virtual work environment, also known as desktop as a service or more recently, workspace as a service or WAAS. This is supposed to provide the scalability of the cloud, professional security, multidevice mobility and efficiency...

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5 of the Best Tech Trends of 2014

Dec 02, 14 5 of the Best Tech Trends of 2014

Posted by in Gadgets, Mobile, Security, Wireless Technology

2014 is slowly coming to a close. In just a few weeks, we will be welcoming a new year and new technological wonders as well. As we bid farewell to this year, it’s time to look at some of the tech trends that we should be thankful for. #1: Free WiFi … everywhere!  Yes, it’s not really a “trend” since it has been...

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