5 of the Best Tech Trends of 2014

2014 is slowly coming to a close. In just a few weeks, we will be welcoming a new year and new technological wonders as well. As we bid farewell to this year, it’s time to look at some of the tech trends that we should be thankful for.

#1: Free WiFi … everywhere! 


Yes, it’s not really a “trend” since it has been around for quite some time. But haven’t you noticed that recently WiFi just seems to be available wherever you are? Before, you needed to sit at Starbucks and maybe order a drink and something to eat to use their free WiFi. Now, even planes have WiFi! Also, long layovers aren’t just for books and sleeping anymore, you can keep up to date with your family and friends through airport WiFi. Hey, even parks have WiFi too!

#2: Smart Watches 

If you’ve always dreamed of a watch that can do more than just tell time, well this era provided just that. The biggest names in tech – Samsung, Motorola, LG and Apple – have made this idea a reality. Now, you can exercise and know how your doing through the device on your wrist. Or, you can check important mail after your morning jog.

#3: TV without a TV 

Before, you had to rush home to catch a sports game. Then came the technology to record that said game while you’re out of the house. Now, we have the technology to download movies and TV onto our devices so we have no reason to miss them even if we’re far from home. And in true baby steps fashion, we now have a few providers offering live TV for mobile devices.

#4: Bio Security 


As the world becomes more digital, so is the need to up security more. Passwords can be easily hacked and you’re prone to just stick to one because you’re most likely to forget different passwords for different accounts. This time, there is bio security like the one featured in Apple devices that unlocks your phone with your fingerprint.

#5: Drones 

While it’s not something that everyone would be thankful for. Since it was introduced, you couldn’t help but marvel at the any creative ways people have used drones – from observing orcas to getting amazing aerial shots.

These are but a few of the many tech trends that made noise in 2014. Who knows what will greet us in the new year?