iPadOS 13: open multiple windows of the same app on iPad

By now you should have learned to combine a different app on your iPad (Split View), and so you also know that a great break of boxes is open a new window from scratch: the secondary application, slide the Dock from bottom to top, touch “new” and finally touch “+” which compares top right.

The good news is that it exists in a much simpler way of achieving the same purpose, and the beauty is that with iOS 13 you can also combine two instances of the exact same app: two emails, for example, two Pages documents, and so on. Just move an item to the side to destroy the screen and the Slit View animation will activate itself

The trick works with documents, attachments, links, images, videos, mail, positions, email addresses, PDFs and practically any draggable object.

And so, for example, if you drag a link, a new Safari window will automatically open; an email address will open a new mail window, and a PDF will open Read documents, if it is installed.