How to protect your eyes from the PC screen

Have you ever wondered how you can protect your eyes from a screen? Do you spend long hours on the computer and worry about your eyes? Then you may at one point in your life have searched for an answer to this concern.

Well, How to in a minute gave the solution in one of their videos. How to in a minute is a newfound channel created by an aspiring youtuber who calls himself Mr. How to.

Okay so what’s the ingenious solution? Screenscreen!



As you may have guessed by now the videos are meant to be humorous. They address everyday life concerns and dealing with them in a comedic way.

A key point in all this is that after the tutorial is done in less than a minute, with the leftover time, Mr. How to performs impossibly difficult to do in short time, funny tasks. This happens for every video and every time they are different.

In the case of How to protect your eyes from the PC screen the second part task Mr. How to set for himself was to prepare and eat a sandwich in the remaining few time. Do you think he made it in time? How?

Sandwich how to

Sandwich how to

The channel is still very young but promising. Will we ever see Mr. How to as a youtube celebrity? Follow him to find out.