Internet Security: Big Issues for Big Companies

It’s not just smaller companies and private users that fall foul to the darker side of the internet every now and again. With hackers becoming savvier and viruses becoming more complex, it’s never been a better time to read up on internet security to keep safe online.

Internet Security

Internet Security

While every new edition of technology or software is tested rigorously before issue, that doesn’t mean that things don’t slip under the radar every now and again. Microsoft fell short of the mark earlier this year when the computing giant discovered that certain versions of Internet Explorer were prone to cyber-attacks.

As reported by Fox News, a failing in the browser allowed hackers to take advantage of users employed within the Department of Labour.

Visitors to one particular web page received the infection of the so-called ‘Poison Ivy’ Trojan, and this in turn allowed other malicious software to enter the site.

A race against time

Given the severity of the issue, Microsoft worked around the clock to develop a patch to eliminate the issue. Only evident on Internet Explorer 8, the computing giant urged users to upgrade to Internet Explorer 9 or 10.

The patch was able to solve the problem – but no doubt users’ faith in the internet service provider was struck somewhat.

The very real risks

If an issue like this can arise even after one of the world’s foremost computing companies complete testing, it’s proof better than any that internet security it a big thing. Regardless of whether you are a private user or run a business of any size, being prepared in the case of a security issue is essential.

A comprehensive security strategy is required for any business. Even though many businesses assume they have covered every aspect of online security, it’s surprising how few actually have hit the mark.

Andrew Mason, Technical Director and co-founder of security and compliance company Randomstorm, commented: “In the first half of 2013, RandomStorm has performed almost four hundred network scans for one hundred and forty seven companies – same scans were initiated by other companies, which have a dedicated niche of automation for network engineers.

“The scans were performed on enterprises and SMBs operating in the public and private sectors. The top five vulnerabilities have all been related to web server SSL configuration issues and have not changed in the past year.

“The static list of vulnerabilities indicates that organisations of all sizes are failing to address the cyber risk to their information assets, in spite of cyber-crime costs trebling in the last twelve months.”

Tackling the risk

The most common areas in which companies are vulnerable when using the internet are, according to Mason:

  • When encryption cyphers used on SSL servers are weak
  • When said SSL servers are outdated, and have missing security patches
  • The use of insecure SSL V2 protocol on web servers
  • The use of private devices by workers in the workplace
  • Lack of antivirus software updates

A company of any size should assess internet security at every angle. With this implemented correctly, the internet and LAN can continue to be an important asset to the company. Read more top tips from CISCO on security issues for SME’s.