Children surpass their parents in the use of the Internet

Do you think you can control what your children do when they are online? According to a recent survey cited by Jenna Kagel, children know a lot more than their parents in using the internet and definitely know how to circumvent parental control. The report of the Independent Regulatory Authority for Competition in the communications industry in the United Kingdom around the security measures on the Internet, validates the worst fear of every parent around the online behavior of their child. Children know much more about surfing into the web compared with their parents.

Kids on internet

Kids on internet

This means that all those filters and control systems used by parents may be in vain. Indeed, the researchers found that 18% of children know how to disable the protection filters, even though only 6% of them admitted that he has done. Nearly half of teens aged 12-15 know how to delete browsing history, while the 29% can change the settings to hide his activity. As children are increasingly aware that their parents put on the websites they visit earlier the same, they become increasingly able to hide their tracks. Of course parents know very well web inferiority. Nearly half of the parents, 44%, who have children aged 8-11 years old say they know that their child knows much more about the internet than their own. This percentage increases to 63% for those with children aged 12-15 years, says the BBC.

Kids on internet

Kids on internet

A study that was done in 2012 in Australia had come to similar conclusions. According to this survey, 59% of children admits he has found ways to hide what they do when they are connected to the internet. Children also act as sponges and like the language, the use of which they are learning at a very young age, no wonder how the younger generations are becoming more and more able to regard the use of computers.

By Nicole P.