Strange scientific and technological claims

Developments in science and technology have dramatically changed the quality of life of people in recent decades, and is difficult to manage to imagine how far researchers can go in regard to these areas in the future. Sometimes, however, as the Francie Diep in Popular Science, scientists create items, or expressing scientific views such that one can not help but deny the validity, utility and application.

1. EEG Headgear: Headphones revealing the thoughts of your dog

EEG Headgear

EEG Headgear

Have you ever wished for the existence of a device that could make you understand what your beloved pet may be thinking? The manufacturers of the device No More Woof claim to work on a set of headphones and speakers that will measure the brainwaves of your dog and will translate in phrases like “That’s great!”. Although, last year attracted the attention of some of the campaign through funding from the Indiegogo, the «No More Woof», writes the Diep probably there is no way to work with this technology.

2. The device that measures the calorie intake through the skin

Measurement device

Measurement device

A group of manufacturers who pumped more than 890 thousand dollars in Indiegogo, claim that they can create a device that will measure how many calories one consumes through his skin. Of course, according to the columnist, experts say that this is all nonsense.

3. Global warming will not harm people or the Earth

Global Warming

Global Warming

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently published a 2,610 page report about climate change, which was attended by over 300 scientists climate. In this report, experts predict what might happen in the future of global warming and said some adaptation strategies that could be implemented. Many of the provisions are already known: the coastal cities will face big problem with floods, vast arable land will sink under water, while climate change will hit hardest the poorest regions of the world, unless people develop appropriate strategies. At the same time, the Heartland Institute, a libertarian think tank, pushing an agenda of those who denied the report of the IPCC. The institute claims that global warming will not harm the global environment or human health. Moreover, states that any change in climate caused by forces outside of human activities. Forbes magazine published a report of the institute, but as other experts said, such approaches are simply an alternative reality. The scientists are so convinced that climate change is caused by human intervention, as they believe that smoking causes lung cancer and gravity keeps us on the surface of the Earth.

4. Contraceptives cause abortion

Contraception pills

Contraception pills

David Green, founder and CEO of the American retail chain Hobby Lobby, claims that his company will have to pay for pills for emergency contraception or the morning after pill to his employees because they cause abortions. Of course, the scientists said that birth control pills do not interrupt pregnancy in which the fertilized embryos were already installed in the womb. For this to occur should a woman get a special pill for abortion, which is different from emergency contraceptive pills. However, there are discussions about whether the emergency contraceptive pills prevent a fertilized embryo to be installed in the womb and helps in the elimination from the body of a woman. Although this is not considered medical abortion, some still consider it morally unacceptable, says columnist. According to recent researches, emergency contraceptive pills all they do is to prevent ovulation in women. If so, then do not affect the fertilized embryos, she adds.

5. Scandals stem cells

Stem cells

Stem cells

While the majority of research around stem cells are frank, this area has become the focus of major scandals last tenth. In the early 2000’s a researcher from South Korea lied that he had cloned human embryos, while more recently revealed that a survey had used fake data. According to a recent study by the New Scientist, there is great interest and competition in this field among scientists, with 4% of the participants in this state that either they or their partner had someone used forged documents, which were published in scientific journals.

By Nicole P.