Psychological support via the Internet

Light on the psychological effects of the internet access, British are willing to give by throwing a new study. Specifically, scientists have attempted to examine the role of forums and chatrooms and whether their use can lead to suicide and self harm in young people. Researchers at Oxford University analyzed 14 different studies on youth and influence of the internet. The point at which they stood is that the online dialogue has many positive effects on young people, while not ignoring the negative experiences recorded in studies.

Phycological effects by Internet access

Phycological effects by Internet access

This way they noted risks such as bullying and self harm, talking about a close connection between internet forums and increased risk of suicide. On the other hand, they noted that some studies highlight the beneficial effects of interactive dialogue in isolated individuals and emotionally vulnerable young people. There are many examples that forum users provided psychological support, encouraging help seeking. As a result, young people are helped significantly to socialize and eventually face the problem.

Phycological effects by Internet  access

Phycological effects by Internet access

Communication through the internet and other electronic media can play a decisive role in avoiding suicide and the wider psychological support for young people, said Professor Keith Hawton, one of the study authors. The research was published in the magazine Plos One.

By Nicole P.