4 Best Practices to Reduce Cloud Computing Security Risks

In 2014, cloud computing has already become a $150 billion industry and continues to flourish. Aside from letting users access data from almost anywhere with internet connection, it has reduced the costs of having to create a data center and having an IT team manage it. However, there is also the security issue that bothers business owners. How can they keep their data secure?

Here are some ways to secure your data in cloud computing:

  1. Backing up your data.

This is perhaps one of the most important ways to secure your data or at least ensure you still can restore important data in case of accidental loss. Cloud computing allows you to access and get information over the internet but it pays to have a backup.


  1. Securing your password.

Hackers are good at cracking passwords and this has always been a common problem. It is not enough to just come up with difficult passwords. It is equally important to regularly change your passwords. Moreover, be wary of emails you receive and ignore those which ask you to log into your email account. This is one of the ways hackers are able to steal information.

  1. Ensuring mobile and home security.

If your business allows employees to work from home and access files via cloud computing, do not let them use their own gadgets and devices. Assign office-issued devices with secure access that lets your IT team monitor whoever tries to access data.


  1. Using cloud data encryption.

To protect your data, you need cloud data encryption. This turns plain text into unreadable code and makes it impossible for hackers to read it unless a key is used to convert it. Applying this along with other measures creates layered security to protect cloud data.

Security risks in cloud computing are inevitable but with best practices on data security, reduction of these risks is possible.